BECK index

President Madison 1809-17

by Sanderson Beck

President Madison in March 1809

President Madison in 1809
Madison in April-May 1809
Madison in June-July 1809
Madison in August-September 1809
Madison in October 1809
Madison in November 1809
Madison’s Message 29 November 1809
Madison in December 1809

President Madison in 1810

Madison in January 1810
Madison in February-May 1810
Madison in June-July 1810
Madison in August-September 1810
Madison in October 1810
Madison in November-December 1810

President Madison in 1811

Madison in January 1811
Madison in February-April 1811
Madison in May-October 1811
Madison in November 1811
Madison in December 1811
Barlow’s Letter to Madison in December 1811

Madison’s War with Britain in 1812

Memorials Against War with Britain in July 1812
Madison’s War with Britain in July 1812
Madison & War in August 1812
Madison & War in September-October 1812
Madison & War in November-December 1812

Madison & British War in 1813

Madison & War in January 1813
Madison & War in February 1813
Madison & War in March-April 1813
Madison & War in May 1813
Madison & War in June 1813
Madison & War in July 1813
Monroe’s Report to Madison in July 1813
Madison & War in August-November 1813
Madison & War in December 1813

Madison & British War in 1814

Madison’s War in January-July 1814
Madison’s War in August 1814
Madison’s War in September 1814
Madison’s War in October-December 1814

President Madison in 1815

President Madison in January 1815
President Madison in February 1815
President Madison in March 1815
President Madison in April 1815
President Madison in May-September 1815
Madison’s Message to Congress December 1815

President Madison in 1816-17

Madison in January-April 1816
Madison in May-June 1816
Madison in July-September 1816
Madison in October-December 1816
President Madison’s Last 62 Days in 1817

President Madison & Indian Nations 1809-17

Indiana Territory & Tecumseh in 1809-10
Madison & Indian Nations in 1811
Madison & Indian Nations in 1812
Madison & Indian Nations in 1813
Madison & Indian Nations in 1814-16

Madison & Slavery Issues in 1819 & 1833

Madison on Slavery in March 1819
Madison & Coles on Slavery in 1819
Madison on Freeing Slaves in June 1819
Madison on Freeing Slaves in November 1819
Madison on Slavery in 1833

James Madison Summary & Evaluation

James Madison 1761 to 1800
Secretary of State Madison 1801-08
President Madison 1809-17
Madison, Indian Nations & Slavery
Re-evaluating James Madison

Copyright © 2024 by Sanderson Beck

Herbert Hoover

Woodrow Wilson

Thomas Jefferson

George Washington

John Adams

James Madison to 1808

Uniting Humanity by Sanderson Beck

History of Peace Volume 1
History of Peace Volume 2

World Chronology
Chronology of America

BECK index